Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
As Salaam o Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatuh!
Du'a upon sighting the crescent moon
"Allah is the greatest.
O Allah!
Let this moon (month)
pass over us
with blessings, Iman, safety,
and in the belief of Islam.
Grant us the ability to act on the actions
that You love and Pleases You.
(O moon!)
My Lord and Your Lord is Allah".
Dear brothers and sisters in faith,
Subhanallah, Alhumdulillah, AllahuAkbar!
We are going to celebrate Eid again,
We are going to celebrate Eid again,
Kul Aam Wa Antum Bi Khair!
~ Eid-ul-Fitr Mubaarak ~

~ Eid-ul-Fitr Mubaarak ~
Enjoy the day with your family and the rest of your communities!
This is our most joyous holiday of the year
and I would like wish you and your families all
a very blessed, festive, and joyous Eid!
This is our most joyous holiday of the year
and I would like wish you and your families all
a very blessed, festive, and joyous Eid!
Insha`Allah, I hope you all have made the most of Ramadan
and that Allah
accepts all of your fasts and other acts of ibadat.
and that Allah
And finally, yes it is a little sad now that
Ramadan is officially over,
here are a few links to help you cope with...
Ramadan is officially over,
here are a few links to help you cope with...
Life After Ramadan:
Remaining Steadfast after RamadanWith kind and humble regards,
Your sister in faith
Umm Safoora
~ Eid Greetings ~
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