Bismillaah, wal-hamdulilaah, was-salaatu was-salaamu 'alaa rasoolillaah,
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu
1 – The Meaning of Qadr
Ibn Hajar said in ‘Fath al-Bari’ (4/323-324):
Ibn Hajar said in ‘Fath al-Bari’ (4/323-324):
“There are various explanations of the meaning of the qadr that this night is ascribed to.
It was said that it means veneration, as in the verse: {“...and they didn’t venerate (qadar) Allah as He deserved...”} [al-An’am; 91] This refers to it being a night of veneration due to the revelation of the Qur’an taking place in it, or due to the descent of the Angels in it, or due to the blessing and mercy and forgiveness that descend in it, or that those who stay up that night in worship are venerated.
It was also said that qadr here means constriction, as in the verse: {“...and who is constricted (qadara) in his provision...”} [at-Talaq; 7] This refers to it being a night of constriction due to the exact night being hidden, or because the Earth is constricted due to the presence of such a large number of Angels.
It was also said that it is qadar, derived from the word for judgment. This refers to the fact that all the judgments of that year are made on this night...”
2 – Better than a Thousand Months It was said that it means veneration, as in the verse: {“...and they didn’t venerate (qadar) Allah as He deserved...”} [al-An’am; 91] This refers to it being a night of veneration due to the revelation of the Qur’an taking place in it, or due to the descent of the Angels in it, or due to the blessing and mercy and forgiveness that descend in it, or that those who stay up that night in worship are venerated.
It was also said that qadr here means constriction, as in the verse: {“...and who is constricted (qadara) in his provision...”} [at-Talaq; 7] This refers to it being a night of constriction due to the exact night being hidden, or because the Earth is constricted due to the presence of such a large number of Angels.
It was also said that it is qadar, derived from the word for judgment. This refers to the fact that all the judgments of that year are made on this night...”
Ibn Kathir mentioned in ‘Tafsir al-Qur’an al-‘Adhim’ (4/686) that Mujahid said:
“There was a man from the Children of Israel who would pray all night and then fightJihad against the enemy all day, and he did this for a thousand months. Allah then revealed the verse: {“The Night of Qadr is better than a thousand months...”} So, praying on this night is better than the actions of that man.”
3 – The 27th Word Ibn Kathir mentioned (4/690):
“...And it was reported that some of the Salaf used the Qur’an to conclude that it is on the 27th night because the word ‘هي’ (it is) is the 27th word in the chapter, and Allah Knows best.”
4 – Why the Exact Day Was Hidden Ibn Hajar said (4/328):
“...This might have a benefit linked to legislation...or exertion in worship, because if the Night of Qadr was specified to be on an exact night, people would limit themselves to that night and miss out on the worship on other nights. It is as if this is what the Prophet meant when he said: “...this might be better for you.””
5 – Heavy for the Hypocrite Ibn Kathir mentioned (4/692) that Ka’b al-Ahbar said:
“By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, the Night of Qadr is so heavy on the disbeliever and hypocrite that it feels like a mountain on his back.”
6 – What to Supplicate on the Night of Qadr In ‘as-Silsilah as-Sahihah’ (3337), it’s reported that ‘A’ishah asked the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم): “If I happen to catch the Night of Qadr, how should I supplicate?”
He replied: “You should say:
اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عني
O Allah, You Pardon and Love pardoning. So, Pardon me.”
O Allah, You Pardon and Love pardoning. So, Pardon me.”
Sayyid Qutb said in ‘Fi Dhilal al-Qur’an’ (6/3945):“...This night is better than thousands of months in the lives of human beings. How many thousands of months and years have passed by without leaving in our lives the changes that this single blessed, joyous night leaves us? The might of this night is such that its reality transcends the limits of human comprehension: {“And what will make you understand what the Night of Qadr is?”}
...When we look today after the generations of the past to this noble, joyous night and imagine the amazing festive atmosphere that the Earth witnessed on that night, and we reflect over the reality of what took place that night, and we let its significance in history in the reality of the world, and in the outlook of our hearts and minds sink in, we see something that is truly great. We begin to understand a bit of the purpose of the Qur’anic mention of this night: {“And what will make you understand what the Night of Qadr is?”}
On that night, every wise judgment was made. Values, principles, and scales were laid down. Ordainments were made that surpassed that of individuals: ordainments for nations, countries, and peoples. In fact, it is even greater and mightier than this: ordainment of realities and hearts!
Humankind has become heedless – due to its ignorance and disconnection – of the value of the Night of Qadr and the reality and significance of this event. Since the time that it became heedless of this, it has been deprived of the most joyous and beautiful gifts from Allah. It lost the true happiness and peace – the peace of mind, and peace in the home and society – that Islam granted it. This cannot be replaced by the material bounty, civilization, and power that it has been given. It is in a bad state despite the outpouring of production and high standards of living it possesses!
The beautiful light that shone on it at one time has been put out, as has the illuminating happiness that carried it to the highest levels. The peace that once soaked hearts and souls is absent, and the spiritual joy and heavenly light and ascension to the highest levels can never be replaced.
We as believers are commanded to never forget or be heedless of this memory. Our Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) showed us an easy way to bring this memory to life in our souls and remain connected to it forever, as well as to remain connected to the universal event that occurred in it. This is why he encouraged us to pray on this night every year and to seek it out on the last ten nights of Ramadan. In the two ‘Sahih’s, it says: “Seek out the Night of Qadr in the last ten nights of Ramadan,” and: “Whoever prays in the Night of Qadr out of faith and expectation of reward will have all of his past sins Forgiven.”
Islam is not simply outer actions meant for show. This is why the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said that this prayer should be out of faith and expectation of reward. Likewise, this night prayer should bring back to life the massive concepts that this night encompasses. It should be done out of faith in order to make it purely for Allah, as well as in expectation of reward. At this point, the heart will have a specific reality ingrained in it because of this night prayer that is tied directly to the purpose for which this Qur’an was revealed.
The Islamic method of tarbiyah ties worship to the reality of belief in the conscience. It turns worship into a method of resurrecting these realities, clarifying them, and solidifying them in a living image that transcends mere emotion and isn’t limited to theory. It is confirmed that this method alone can resurrect these realities and turn them into a movement in one’s conscience and character, and that mere realization of these realities without the support of physical worship will not establish these realities or push them into a movement in the life of an individual or the life of a group.
This direct connection between the memory of the Night of Qadr and praying at night out of faith and expectation of reward is just one aspect of this sound and successful Islamic method...”
How to attain the honor of the Night of al-Qadr (Night of Decree)
Aishah, may Allah be pleased with her, reported:
Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) used to exert himself in devotion during the last ten nights more than any other time. (Narrated by Muslim)
You should exert yourself during the whole last ten nights, may Allah obliges you to be honored with the Night of al-Qadr.
To attain the honor of the Night of al-Qadr we call you to keep the following advices and feel them deep in your heart:
•1- be aware of your heart and check your intention :
Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: "Deeds (their correctness and rewards) depend upon intentions, and every person gets but what he has intended." (Agreed upon)
Ibn Al-Mubarak said : "May a small deed be magnified by the sincere intention; and may a great deed be diminished by the insincere intention"
if you don't correct you intention you will not get rewarded for your deed even if it is a great one, while you can magnify your humble deed by the sincere intention.
•2- the harder you exert yourself the higher your degree will be :
Allah's Messenger said: "Allah provisions his slave as much as he can afford" (Sahih Al-Jami - 1952)
So do not leave a door of good deeds unless you knock on it, do your best of good works to seek Allah's favor in this great night, and Allah will support you as much as you exert your self.
•3- Give a variety to your worship to avoid the boredom :
It is better to vary the forms of your worship to feel it by your heart and to avoid the boredom that you feel if you do one kind of worship for a long time.
4- Complete devotion:
It means you dedicate yourself completely and devoutly to Allah, it's the highest worship by which you can seek Allah's favor in this great night. Allah says: "Remember the Name of your Lord and dedicate yourself devoutly to Him. (He is) Lord of the East and the West: there is no god but He: take Him therefore for (thy) Disposer of Affairs." (Al-Muzzammil 8-9)
Empty you heart from everything except Allah.
To achieve that, do the following:
- Turn off your phone, forget your worries and cares, as they have a lord to arrange.
- Do much of Dhikr (Allah's glorification): Abudullah Bin Bisr reported: a man said to Allah's messenger (may peace and blessings be upon him): There are many commands on me of Islam. Tell me of such a thing which I may hold on to steadfast. Allah's messenger said, "Always keep your tongue wet by Allah's glorification" (Narrated by ibn Majah)*
- Keep silent and count your words in during a day and a night, and if you are not in I'tikaf (seclusion) then you should pattern after the moral of the person who is in I'tikaf (seclusion).
Allah's messenger said: "He who remains silent is saved"
5- Be Patient and Forebearing
Allah says: "Lord of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, so worship Him (Alone) and be constant and patient in His worship. Do you know of any who is similar to Him? (You do not know anyone who is a namesake for Him or who resembles Him). (Maryam 65)
If you truly love your Lord, you should exhaust yourself in worshiping Him; it is an indication of the true lover.
One of the good ancestors (Salaf) said: he who wants himself guided to the good deeds spontaneously will wait for a long time, but it will better for him to compel himself to that forcibly.
5- This is the competition time, don't accept to be a loser or with a low rank, arm your self with the challenge spirit, the real race is this, not the race of money or authorities.
Comply with the slogan of Abu Muslim al-Khawlani who said: "Do the companions of Muhammad (may peace and blessings be upon him) think that they can have him all to themselves? No, By Allah we swear that we will compete with them so that they know that they left true men behind them"
Wahib ibn al-Ward said: "If you are able to be the first to Allah, then do not hesitate"
One of the good ancestors (Salaf) said: "whenever I have been told about a worship of someone, I do a similar or better one"
Someone said: "when a man is told that there is somewhere a man who do better worship than him, then it's not so much for him to die in grief"
Seek help from Allah and ask Him to provide you the power to do the good deeds, you will not be able to do that without the power of Allah so, say much of "There is neither any power nor strength except from Allah" ( Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaah).
Abundantly remember the destroyer of pleasures, to cut the ropes of the present life which block your way to Allah, the present life is just a path to the hereafter.
6- Do have a favorable judgment in Allah, if you do that you will do good deeds, don't let the devil to block your way by making you mistrust Allah.
7- Take care of your deeds, repair them .. and make them better quantitatively and qualitatively
Allah's messenger (may peace be upon him) said to Aaisha (may Allah be please with her): "your reward from Allah will be as much as your exhaustion" (Narrated by al-Hakim)
Wahib ibn al-Ward said: " Don't pay attention to the abundance of your deed, but to improving it, the slave may disobey Allah During his Prayer or fasting, so include quantity and quality together to score a great success."
8- don't feel satisfied of yourself or your deeds, the origin of sins is the self-satisfaction, don't be content of your deed but follow its fault, and ask forgiveness from your Lord for this fault to be accepted.
Allah says: " And those who give that which they give with hearts afraid because they are about to return unto their Lord" (al-Mu'minun 60)
9- Do have some worship in secret, that can't be seen except by Allah, it leads to sincerity
Allah's messenger (may peace be upon him): "The voluntary prayer of a man (in a place) where no person can see him is equal to twenty-five times his prayer where people can see him." (Sahih al-Jami' , 3821)
We ask Allah to aid us to obey Him and to make our deeds good and accepted
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “Laylatul Qadr has been bestowed by Allah to my Ummah (People). It was not given to any people before this.” (Dur-Mansoor).
Better than a thousand months
A thousand months are equivalent to 83 years and 4 months. Fortunate is the person who spends this night in prayer. The man or woman, who prays for the whole night during this Night, will deserve blessings and reward for the period as if he or she had been praying for eighty three years and four months consecutively. Since the Night of Power is better than one thousand months no one can actually measure the extent as to how much better it is.
You are all aware of its importance so I will just briefly re-run through it. In surah Al-Qadr Allah (SWT) clearly states:
"Surely We revealed it (the Holy Quran) on the grand night. And what will make you comprehend what the grand night. The grand night is better than a thousand months. The angels and Gabriel descend in it by the permission of their Lord for every affair, Peace! It is till the break of the morning." Holy Quran (97:1-5)
Ummul Momineen Sayyidina Aaisha (Radiyallahu anha)
reported that she asked
Allah's Messenger (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam),
"O Messenger of Allah!
(sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam),
If I knew which night is Laylat ul-Qadr,
what should I say during it?"
Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)
advised her to recite:
"Allahumma innaka `afuwwun tuhibbul `afwa fa`fu `annee "
O Allah! You are forgiving,
and you love forgiveness. So forgive me.
[Recorded by Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and at-Tirmithi.]
5 things to do on Laylatul Qadr
So valuable is this Night of Qadr that the Quran devotes a special surah to
it “Lailatul Qadr is better than a thousand months” [97:3]
The Book of Prayers (Kitab Al-Salat)
Muslim :: Book 4 : Hadith 1668
Zirr (b. Hubaish) reported: I heard from Ubayy b. Ka'b a statement made by 'Abdullah b. Mas'ud in which he said: He who gets up for prayer (every night) during the year will hit upon Lailat-ul-Qadr. Ubayy said: By Allah I there is no god but He, that (Lailat-ul-Qadr) is in Ramadhan (He swore without reservation: ) By Allah, I know the night; it is the night on which the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) commanded us to pray. It is that which precedes the morning of twenty-seventy and its indication is that the sun rises bright on that day without rays.
1. Recite the Qur’an abundantly
Az-Zuhri used to say upon the coming of Ramadan, “It is only about reciting the Qur’an and feeding the poor.”
Abdur-Raziq said, “When Ramadan came, Sufyan Ath-Thawri would give up all acts of (voluntary) worship and devote himself to the recitation of the Qur’an.”
Laylatul Qadr is the night the Qur'an was revealed so we should spend much of the night reciting it for we will gain 700 hasanah or more by reciting each letter!
2. Strive to gain forgiveness
One should strive and do their utmost to gain the mercy of Allah especially in the odd numbered nights of the last ten days. If one leaves Ramadan without gaining the mercy of Allah then surely they are the most unfortunate ones and are the biggest losers in this world and the next.
The main Dua for Laylatul Qadr is the following:
Aisha (Ra) said: “I asked the Messenger of Allah: 'O Messenger of Allah, if I know what night is the night of Qadr, what should I say during it?' He said: 'Say: O Allah, You are pardoning and You love to pardon, so pardon me.' “
"Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'annee" (Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and Tirmidhi).
Gaining forgiveness on laylatul Qadr
Abu Huraira narrated that the Messenger said: “Whoever stands (in prayer) in Laylatul Qadr while nourishing his faith with self-evaluation, expecting reward from Allah, will have all of his previous sins forgiven.” (Bukhari and Muslim).
3. Do much Superogatory Prayers (Nafil)
Rabi'ah ibn Malik al-Aslami reported that the Prophet sallallahu alehi wasallam said: "Ask (anything)." Rabi'ah said: "I ask of you to be your companion in paradise." The Prophet said: "Or anything else?" Rabi'ah said: "That is it." The Prophet sallallahu alehi wasallam said to him: "Then help me by making many prostrations (i.e., supererogatory prayers)." (Muslim)
The Prophet peace be upon him said: “Whoever draws near to Allaah during it (Ramadaan) with a single characteristic from the characteristics of (voluntary) goodness, he is like whoever performs an obligatory act in other times. And whoever performs an obligatory act during it, he is like whoever performed seventy obligatory acts in other times.” – Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah, no. 1887.
Here are some Nafil prayers we can pray on Laylatul Qadr:
1. Two Rakat after performing Wudu (Ablution)
Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said to Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him): “Tell me about the best of your deeds (i.e. one which you deem the most rewarding) since your embracing Islam because I heard your footsteps in front of me in Paradise.” Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) replied: “I do not consider any act of mine more rewarding than that whenever I make ablution at any time of night or day, I perform Prayer for as much as was destined for me to do.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)”
2. Tahajjud
Imam Abu Sa'id al-Khadimi said,
"There is scholarly consensus (ijma`) that among the best of virtuous acts is the night vigil prayer." [al-Bariqa al-Mahmudiyya Sharh al-Tariqa al-Muhammadiyya]
The scholars derived the following in regards to Tahajjud from the Qur'an and prophetic hadiths:
1. The minimal night vigil prayer is 2 rakats. [Hindiyya, quoting Fath al-Qadir]
2. Its optimal recommended amount is 8 rakats, because this was the general practice of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him, his family, and companions). [Hindiyya, quoting Fath al-Qadir]
3. Lengthier recitation is superior to a larger number of rakats prayed. [Durr al-Mukhtar, Radd al-Muhtar]
4. It is recommended to start the night vigil with two short rakats, because of the hadith of Abu Hurayra that the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, "It you get up for night prayer, start with two short rakats." [Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Dawud]
Ibn Mas`ud (Allah be pleased with him) was asked, "I cannot pray at night." He said, "Your sins have prevented you."
3. Salaatul Tasbih
This is a very rewarding prayer that we should pray on each of the odd numbered nights.
Ibn al Mubarak says: “The tasbih prayer is a greatly desired act and it is desirable that one should punctually observe it and never neglect it.
How to perform this Salaah
‘Ikrimah reports from Ibn ‘Abbas that the Messenger of Allah said to ‘Abbas ibn ‘Abdal-Mutalib: “O ‘Abbas, O Uncle, shall I not give you, shall I not present to you, shall I not donate to you, shall I not tell you ten things which, if you do, Allah will forgive your first and last sins, past and present sins, intentional and unintentional sins, private and public sins? The ten actions are: pray four rak’at, reciting in every rak’ah al-Fatihah and a surah. And when you finish the Qur’anic recitation of the first rak’ah, say, while standing, ‘Subhanallah, al-hamdulillah, wa la ilaha illallah, wa Allahu Akbar‘ ['Glory be to Allah. All praise is due to Allah. There is no God except Allah. Allah is the greatest.'] Fifteen times. Then make ruku’, and while you are in ruku’, say the same ten times; then stand, and say the same ten times. Then go down and make sajdah, and while you’re in sajdah, say the same ten times. Then sit after the sajdah, and say the same ten times. Then make sajdah, and say the same ten times. Then sit after the second sajdah, and say the same another ten times. That is seventy-five [repetitions of the phrases] in each rak’ah. Do that in each of the four rak’at. If you can pray it once a day, do so. If you cannot, then once every Friday. If you cannot do that, then once a year. And if you cannot do that then once in your life. “
4. Increase in Dhikr (Rememberance of Allah)
We should glorify Allah night and day, especially in the last odd nights.
Here are some easy and very beneficial Dhikr and glorification we can do throughout the last ten odd nights:
1. Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'annee
2. Subhanallah
3. Alhamdulillah
4. Allahu Akbar
5. Laa ilaha ilallah
7. Asthaghfirullah
9. Subhāna-llāhi, wa-l-hamdu li-llāhi, wa lā ilāha illā-llāhu, wa-llāhu akbar. Wa lā hawla wa lā quwwata illā bi-llāhi-l-aliyyi-l-azīm
10. Lā ilāha illā-llāhu waḥdahu lā sharīka lahu lahu-l-mulku wa lahu-l-ḥamdu yuhyi wa yumītu wa huwa ḥayyu-llā yamūtu abadan abada, ḏū-l-jalāli wa-l-ikrām, biyadihi-l-khayr, wa huwa alā kulli Shay-in qadīr
Or the shortened version:
11. Laa ilaaha illal-laahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shay-in qadeer
One can also recite the durood that one recites in one's Salaah or a Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallim
5. Make much dua
We should be very busy in Dua as much as we can especially in the last 10 odd numbered.
Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an:
"When my servants ask you concerning me, (tell them) I am indeed close (to them). I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls on me." [2:186]
The place of duaa is so high to Allah, that the Prophet(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallim) had said: "Nothing is more honourable to Allah the Most High than du`a." [Sahih al-Jami` no.5268].
Almighty Allah also said: "The most excellent worship is du`a." [Sahih Al-Jami` no. 1133]
Therefore let us devote much of the night of Qadr in dua asking of Allah for his mercy and forgiveness for all of our past sins and making firm intentions to Allah that we will change for the better and strive to become closer to him as well as make our deen a FULL part of our lives and not just a little part of our life as Allah says:
Allah tells us In the Qur'an to enter fully into our deen and not partly:
O believers enter into Islam completely and do not follow the footsteps of Shaitan, surely he is your clear-cut enemy.... (Surah Al-Baqara, Ayah 208-210)
Pray with imaan in the night of Ramadan for forgiveness of past sins
Abu Huraira(RA) related that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Whoever fasts during Ramadan with faith and seeking his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven. Whoever prays during the nights in Ramadan with faith and seeking his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven. And he who passes Lailat al-Qadr in prayer with faith and seeking his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven (Bukhari, Muslim)
Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: "O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of Truth and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)."
Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).
Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah (May Allah be pleased with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say, " O Allah, grant me benefit in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and increase my knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek refuge in Allah from the state of those who go to Hell."
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition whose isnad is gharib.
Transliteration:an Abi Hurairah (radiya Allahu anhu) qaal:
qaala Rasul Allah (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam): "Allahumma infa'ni bima 'allamtani, wa allimni maa yanfa'oni wa zidni 'ilman, alhamdulillahi alaa kolli haal, wa a'odtho billahi min haali ahlil naar."
qaala Rasul Allah (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam): "Allahumma infa'ni bima 'allamtani, wa allimni maa yanfa'oni wa zidni 'ilman, alhamdulillahi alaa kolli haal, wa a'odtho billahi min haali ahlil naar."
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