Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barkatuh!


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
~ Directives of Eid-Prayer ~

(In the Light of Ahadith)

1. To eat some thing sweet is Sunnah 
before going to Eid-Al-Fitr.

Narrated Anas bin Malik (radi'Allahu anhu):

Allah's Apostle (sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam)
never proceeded (for the prayer)
on the Day of 'Id-ul-fitr
unless he had eaten some dates.

Anas (radi'Allahu anhu) also narrated:

The Prophet (sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam)
used to eat odd number of dates. 


(Sahih Bukhari ~ Book #15, Hadith #73)

2. To walk on foot 
and to return back on foot
for Eid Prayer is Sunnah.

Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Umer (radi'Allahu anhu) narrates,
"Prophet (sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam)
used to go to Eid-gaah on foot
and used to come back on foot"

(Sunan Ibn Majah)

3. To change the course 
of going and coming Eid-gaah 
is Sunnah.

Hadhrat Jaabir Bin Abdullah (radi'Allahu anhu) narrates:

"Prophet (sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam)
on Eid day used to change
the course of going and coming
 while proceeding to Eid-gaah."

(Sahih Bukhari)

4. There is 
neither Azaan nor Iqama
for Eid Prayer.

Ibn 'Abbas (radi'Allahu anhu) and Jaibir b. 'Abdullah
 al-Ansari (radi'Allahu anhu) reported:
There was no Adhan on the (occasion) of
Id-ul-Fitr and Id-ul-Adha.

I (Ibn Juraij) said: I asked him after some time about it.

He ('Ata', one of the narrators) said:
Jabir b. 'Abdullah al-Ansari (radi'Allahu anhu) told me:

There is neither any Adhan on Id-ul-Fitr
when the Imam comes out,
nor even after his coming out;
their is neither lqama nor call
nor anything of the sort of calling on
that day and nor Iqama.

(Sahih Bukhari ~ Book 
 #004, Hadith  #1927)

Jabir b. Samura (radi'Allahu anhu) said:
I prayed with the Messenger of Allah
(sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam)
prayers on two Eids more than once or twice
without there being Adhan and Iqama.

(Sahih Muslim ~ Book 
#004, Hadith  #1929)

5. To pray first 
then to listen Khutbah 
in the Eid Prayers
is Sunnah.

Narrated 'Abdullah bin Umar (radi'Allahu anhu):

Allah's Apostle (sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam)
used to offer the prayer of
'Id-ul-Adha and 'Id-ul-fitr
and then deliver the Khutba
after the prayer.

(Sahih Bukhari ~ Book 
#15, Hadith #77)

6. There is no prayer 
(Nafil or Sunnah)

either before or after Eid Prayers.

Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Abbas (radi'Allahu anhu) narrates that

Nabi Akram (Sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam)
on the day of Eid-Al-Adha or Eid-Al-Fitr
(came out of the house)
prayed two rikaat of Eid
and before or after it
he didn't prayed any.

(Sahih Muslim)

7. To pray 
delaying the Eid Prayers 
is dis-pleasing.

Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Bisir (radi'Allahu anhu) narrates that

He (Sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam) himself
started for Eid-gaah for prayer
on Eid-Al-Fitr or Eid-Al-Adha
along with the people,
he expressed displeasure on imam for delaying
and said we would have been free by this time
after praying and that was the time of Ishraq."

(Sunan Abu Dawood, Sunan Ibn Majah)

8. To eat some thing 
before going to the Eid-UL-Fitr Prayer 
and after praying Eid-Al-Adha 
is Sunnah.

8- Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Buraidah (radi'Allahu anhu)
 narrates from his father that

Prophet (Sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam)
on the occasion of Eid-Ul-Fitr
before going to prayer
 would MUST have taken some thing
and on the occasion of Eid-Al-Adha
before praying Eid prayer
he did not use to take any thing.

(Jam'aa Tirmidhi)


Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
As Salaam o Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatuh!




Du'a upon sighting the crescent moon


"Allah is the greatest.

O Allah! 
Let this moon (month)
pass over us 
with blessings, Iman, safety, 
and in the belief of Islam.

Grant us the ability to act on the actions 
that You love and Pleases You. 

(O moon!) 
My Lord and Your Lord is Allah"


Dear brothers and sisters in faith,
Subhanallah, Alhumdulillah, AllahuAkbar!

We are going to celebrate Eid again,
Kul Aam Wa Antum Bi Khair!

~ Eid-ul-Fitr Mubaarak ~ 

Enjoy the day with your family and the rest of your communities! 

This is our most joyous holiday of the year 
and I would like wish you and your families all 
a very blessed, festive, and joyous Eid!
Insha`Allah, I hope you all have made the most of Ramadan 
and that Allah (SWT) accepts all of your fasts and other acts of ibadat.
And finally, yes it is a little sad now that 
Ramadan is officially over, 
here are a few links to help you cope with...
Life After Ramadan:
Remaining Steadfast after Ramadan


With kind and humble regards,

Your sister in faith

Umm Safoora

Click to view full size image

~ Eid Greetings ~ 


Monday, August 29, 2011

I. Hadrat Anas reported that when the Holy Prophet came to Madinah, the people had two days in which they used to entertain and amuse themselves. He asked: “What are these two days?” They said: “We used to amuse ourselves and take pleasure in these two days during the Days of Ignorance (jahiliyyah). The Messenger of Allah said, “Allah has substituted for you something better than these two; the Eid of Adha  (sacrifice) and the Eid of Fitr . [Sunan Abi Dawood - Book on Prayer, Vol 1, Page 162]

II. Hadrat Abu al-Huwairith reported that the Messenger of Allah wrote to Hadrat ‘Amr ibn Hazm, when he was in Najran, asking him to observe the prayer early on the Eid of Adha (sacrifice) and late on the Eid of Fitr, and to admonish the people. [Mishkaat - Book on Prayer, Vol 1, Page 127]

III. Hadrat Jabir ibn Samurah reported, “I prayed with the Messenger of Allah the two Eid prayers more than once or twice, without an Adhan or Iqamah.” [Sahih Muslim - Book on the two Eid Prayers, Vol 1, Page 290]

IV. Hadrat Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah did not go (to the place of prayer) in the morning on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr till he ate some dates, and he used to eat an odd number. [Sahih Bukhari - Book on the two Eid Prayers, Vol 1, Page 130]

V. Hadrat Buraidah reported that the Holy Prophet did not go out on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr till he had eaten some food; and that he did not eat any food on the day of Eid-ul-Adha (sacrifice) till he had prayed. [Sunan Tirmidhi - Book on the two Eid Prayers, Vol 1, Page 120]

VI. Hadrat Jabir reported that on the day of Eid the Holy Prophet used to return by a different route from the one he had taken when going out. [Sahih Bukhari - Book on the two Eid Prayers, Vol 1, Page 134]

Important Notes:

1. To greet, embrace and shake hands with one another, after the Eidain prayer is an act of reward; and which is also a means of increasing love and affection between Muslims and a way of expressing ones joy and happiness.

2. It is not permissible for females to perform the Eidain prayers, as there shall be mixing between the men and the women in the Eidgah (place where the Eid prayer is performed). This is why it is not permissible for females to go to the Masajid to perform salaah with congregation; whether they go in day or at night; whether for Jum’ah or for Eidain; whether they are old or young. [This has been stated in Tanwir al-Absar and al-Durr al-Mukhtar Page 114]

Yes, however, before Zawal women can perform the 2 or 4 rak’ats Chasht (Salatud Duha) prayer at home, after the Eidain prayer has finished. [Bahar-e-Shari’at – Vol. 1, Chapter 4, Page 94]

3. If only the women have their own congregation for salaah, then this is also not permissible, as the congregation held by women between themselves (to perform salaah) is not allowed, in fact it is strictly disliked (Makruh-e-Tehrimi). [This has been stated in Fatawa-e-’Alamgiri Vol. 1 Page 80, also in al-Durr al-Mukhtar Page 77]

4. Even if women pray the Eidain prayer on their own, then this is also not permissible as it is a condition to establish the Eidain prayer that it is performed with a congregation. Yes! Women should pray the nafl (supererogatory) salaah on that day; at home, on their own. Insha’Allah they shall receive the blessings and rewards of that day.
Method for performing the Eid Prayer
The method is to make intention for Eid-ul-Fitr or Eid-ud-Duha for two Rakats Wajib and then lift your hands up to your ears and say ‘Allahu Akbar’ and then fold them below the navel as normal.

Now pray ‘Sana’ and then say Allahu Akbar and lift your hands up to your ears and release them and again lift your hands and say Allahu Akbar and release them again and then lift your hands again and say Allahu Akbar and then fold them.

This means fold your hands after the first and fourth Takbeer and in the second and third Takbeers release your hands. The best way to remember is that if the Imam shall recite after the Takbeer then fold your hands and when he shall not recite (after a Takbeer) release your hands and hang them on the side.

After folding your hands after the fourth Takbeer the Imam will silently recite ‘A’udhubillah’ and ‘Bismillah’ and then he will pray Surah al-Fatiha (‘Alhamd Sharif’) and a Surat loudly and then go into Ruku and Sijdah and (thus,) complete one Rak’at (unit).

Then in the second Rak’at the Imam will first pray the Alhamdu and a Surat then lift your hands to your ears and say Allahu Akbar and release them; and do not fold them and repeat this twice. Therefore a total of three times the Takbeer shall be said. On the fourth time say Allahu Akbar and without lifting your hands go into Ruku.

This therefore means that in the Eid prayer there are six extra Takbeers; three before Qira’at (recitation) and after Takbeer-e-Tahrima in the first Rak’at and three after Qira’at in the second Rakat and before the Takbeer for Ruku.

Also in all the extra Takbeers you must lift your hands and between two Takbeers a gap of three Tasbeehs should be made and it is Mustahab in the Eid prayer to recite after Alhamdu, ‘Surah al-Jumu’ah’ in the first Rak’at and ‘Surah al-Munafiqun’ in the second or in the first pray ‘Sabbih Isma Rabbik al-A’la’ and in the second ‘Hal Ataaka Hadeethul Ghasihiyah’. [al-Durr al-Mukhtar Pages 113-114, Bahar-e-Shari’at]

Method of performing the Eid prayer has been taken from the English version of the book “Qanoon-e-Shari’at”, by ‘Allama Shamsul ‘Ulama Shamsuddin Ahmed al-Radawi, the student of Sadr al-Shari’ah, Allama Mufti Amjad ‘Ali al-‘A’azmi.

..:: EID al-Fitr [1432H | 2011] Mubarak!! ::..

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