Islami Tareeqa-e-Tijarat
Economic matter is the natural need of Human beings:
In this life, human are dependent
on each others. This is the nature of human beings created by Allah Almighty. Trade
and business, buying and selling, laboring, agriculture and industries are
necessary for them. In these matters, sometimes disputes occur and as a
solution the requirement is laws of justice and all this is our day to day
observation. For this reason Allah sent down his prophets and last is Muhammad
(PBUH) who taught about faith and beliefs, worships and devotions. He also
guided us about economic transactions and trade and business which are
beneficial for the worldly progress and prosperity and they are necessary for
eternal success.
Importance of Muamlaat in Islam: Muamlaat
have more importance in Islam then other matters because in this there remains
conflict between greediness for materialism and commands of Allah Almighty. The
second dimension is that worships and devotions are the right of Allah only but
in Muamlaat there are rights of human beings and those who neglect it are
culprit of human beings. Hadith of prophet (PBUH) also declared its importance
and regarded it more superior then Ibadaats.
Third dimension is that the negligence of Muamlaat becomes hurdle in the
acceptance of Ibadaats. Islam commands its followers to enter and accept Islam
fully and heartily.
The foundations of Economic
Muamlaat (Transactions): The foundations
Serving and
giving benefit to the Creation of Allah Almighty.
Truthfulness and
Discounts and solicitude.
All Economic Classes of Muslims
should practice religion: All the classes
distinguished economically should practice religion as if one group fails it
will effects the other and they will also deviate from the right path as
Muslims are like an Ummah. For Example, if trade is not following Deen, buyers
will find it difficult to practice Islamic teachings while dealing with these
trades. Allah’s help is necessary for the Success of society. As Islam is a complete code of life;
these codes are the way to gain closeness to Allah whether these are Ibadaats, Ikhlaqiyat or Muamlaat. This
is to obey Allah’s commands and to gain His pleasure. It will leads to material
progress and prosperity as well.
Religiousness in worldly matters: Secularism is the cause of disasters and
destructions of the world. It states that religion is for personal and it has
nothing to do with other affairs of life. But for Shariat-e-Muhammadi living this worldly life according to the
commands of Allah Almighty is the real following of Deen. Islam is an active
religion and condemns passive living. Islam commands to strive for every aspect
of life and economics is not separate from it.
Purpose is Akhira: Muslims give supreme importance to Akhira instead
of worldly benefits. Their purpose is to be successful in Akhira. Muslims
should be united as they are Ummah and their success lies in their unity.
Deen requires struggle with
excellence: Muhammad (PBUH) is
sent down to spread the religion of Islam and he is the last messenger of
Allah, means he is Seal of the Prophets. After Prophet (PBUH), it is the
responsibility of the Ummah to spread the Deen of Allah. For this reason, this
Ummah is regarded as Best of the nations. They not only strive for improving
their conditions materially through trade and business but in this process, they
spread the message of Allah throughout the world. But it resulted in their
indulgence in this world more than it was required and Prophet (PBUH) was
afraid of this situation. Through this, their desire for materialism and love
for wealth enhanced and they are occupied with the love of this world. So they
deviated from the right path and lose their sense of responsibility.
Renaissance of Ummah: Deen comes
to be established in the world as a system and way of life. The quest to spread
Islam is also continuous and those who were enemy of Islam entered in Islam and
preaching it now. The urge to learn religion is increasing by day and night. Muslims
should be aware of Islamic rulings regarding his field of life and he should be
able to guide others. Muslims should also learn the rulings regarding
transactions and economic matters as they are ignorant regarding Islamic
legislations for business and trade. This
creates a problem that trader can’t understand the point of view of Muslim
scholar and scholar is also unable to understand the trader.
Renaissance of Deen in the field of
Trade: Allah has given for
resources for the earning of livelihood to the human beings. These are trade,
agriculture, and manufacturing and through labor but Baraka are in trade. That is why most of the people are linked with
trade. Other 3 sources are also related to trade through one way or the other.
If Islamic rulings are applied to this field it will have an impact on all
other sources of income generation. This book is the guide for trades through
which they will be able to practice Islam in their business but alo they will
spread Islam.
Chapter 1
Importance, worth and method of
learning knowledge and why it is necessary to learn knowledge about one’
First Section: Beginning of
Religious studies.
to leans about Islamic trade and its components is similar to learning Islam it
is important that a Muslim trader should know about its worthiness. The examples
lie in the life of Prophet (PBUH) and in the lives of companions who never
separated religion from other spheres of life.
Origin and development of Religious
studies: It was started in the
time of Prophet (PBUH). After his era the knowledge of Quran and Sunnah was
collected and complied. With the expansion of Islamic state, propagation of
Islam and knowledge increased. Muslims made Arabic as a best source of gaining knowledge.
of Knowledge in the society: Muslim rulers were supporters of spreading of
knowledge so there were Madrisas and
libraries in abundance. Every scholar was a center of knowledge in his self.
Second Section: Muslims’
accomplishments of knowledge.
not only study religious knowledge but they had also study about different
areas of knowledge. These were:
1. Mathematics.
2. Chemistry.
3. Physics.
4. Art of agriculture and irrigation.
5. Utensils and decoration pieces.
6. Industry of mirror and paper.
7. Press and printing.
8. Stones for floors.
9. Lather products.
10. Iron and glass equipments.
11. Seamanship.
12. Invention of clock.
13. Guns and weaponry.
14. Study of history.
15. Geography.
16. Zoology.
17. Herbs and its medicines.
not only made progress in these areas but they also wrote books on them.
Third Section: Decaying of arts and
sciences and their remedies.
question is that why Muslims faced downfall in education. To understand this we
should know that there are two types of knowledge. One is religious knowledge
and the other is about material things. Muslims left the studying of religious
knowledge and concentrate only on knowledge beneficial for this world. It leads
them to their destruction. Materialistic progress is not bad but it should not
occupy Muslims so they forget their purpose of creation. So for real success
they should not only strive for worldly knowledge but should give supreme
importance to religion.
Fourth Section: Importance of knowledge and
knowledgeable persons.
gives them high status and stated that a knowledgeable and an ignorant can’t be
equal. Sunnah of Prophet (PBUH) also showed that he proffered learning and
seeking education.
Significance of Students and Scholars
(Aalims): Islam gives great importance to seeking
knowledge. Quran and Sunnah mentioned high status for those who learn and
teach. Spreading the knowledge and helping others to abandon sins is the best
of deeds.
Intentions of seeking knowledge: the purpose of seeking knowledge should be to get
the pleasure of Allah almighty, to end one’s ignorance, to get assistance in
practicing Deen, and to attain success in this world and Akhira. Knowledge
increases piety and fear of Allah.
1. Dedication and
travelling: try to seek knowledge
by living away from one’s house as it will help him to concentrate on seeking
2. Bearing troubles
for knowledge: A student should bear
all the troubles for seeking knowledge.
3. Arrangements for
learning: Person should
concentrate on studying as it is not possible to progress and prosper without
Etiquettes of study circles and
respect for teachers: A student should
respect his teacher and he should attend the learning circles with great
respect and consciousness. Book is the sources of gaining knowledge so
appropriate respect should be given to books.
beneficial subjects for Muslim Ummah: those subjects should fulfill the needs
of the society. Those should be:
1. Complete.
2. Have strong base.
3. Comprehensive.
4. Tested and applied.
5. Understandable.
6. Beneficial and advantageous.
7. Compatible with the society and practicable.
8. Deductive.
9. Costs less and economical to apply.
teachings and advantages in gaining it:
Source to
achieve Allah’s pleasure.
Source to get
Allah’s help.
Benefiting from
Unseen treasures.
Getting desired
results in not time.
Free of cost and
easily accessible.
Consistency in
the contents.
Fast progress of
the society.
Compatible with
the society.
Complete code of
10. No need of alteration.
11. Tested and practicable.
12. Terbiyah in its nature.
13. Fulfill all requirements of the society.
14. Materialistic prosperity.
15. Source of dignity and self respect.
Chapter 2
Introduction of Fiqh and its
significance in Islam
First Section: Introduction of Fiqh.
Definition of Fiqh: Fiqh literally means to know something, to explain
something, and to start a work. In Islamic terminology it means the explainer
of Shariah of Islam.
Types of Shariah rulings: one is related to beliefs and the other is related
to practice.
Command of Ilm-e-Fiqh: It is the duty of every Muslims to learn knowledge
of Fiqh that enable him to live his life according to Islam.
Compilation of Fiqh: The Fiqh was established from the time of Prophet
(PBUH), then in the times of companions and then in the time of Tabieen. Imam Abu Hanifa started
compiling it in a proper way as due to death of knowledgeable people there was
threat to this legacy. He established Majlis-e-Fiqh
for this purpose.
Sources of Fiqh: Quran, Sunnah, Ijma and Qiyas.
of Fiqh: it is divided into Matoon,
Sahrooh and Fatawas.
Second Section: Four school of
thoughts and detailed work of Hanfi Fiqh.
Distinguished features of Hanfi
Fiqh: The personality of
Imam Abu Hanifa and his distinguished characteristics and attributes makes his
school of thought reliable.
Third Section: Taqleed (Pursuance)
it means to follow. Technically it means to follow someone without searching
his sources and believing that he is right. Taqleed is allowed and disallowed.
This is allowed when following truth and it is forbidden when following Kafirs.
Taqleed allows a person to follow religion without striving to find out ever
matter directly from Quran and Sunnah. It creates easiness for people and ends
the chances of many disputes and misunderstandings. Shah Waliullah asked to
follow a specific person instead of following generally as the hazard was that
people will follow Islam according to their wishes and which suits them. It is
unintentional to follow any of the four schools of thoughts as other schools
Fourth Section: Reality and
significance of Fatwa (Rulings).
means to tell about Shariah rulings regarding an event which happened. It was
started in the time of Prophet (PBUH). It was also given in the time of
companions R.A like it was given by Abu Baker Siddique R.A and Umer R.A. it was
also done in the era of Tabieen.
Fifth Section: Asking Fatawas from
scholars and manners of Asking.
is the Sunnah of Prophet (PBUH) and a respectable task. One should choose a
capable Mufti for derivation of rule or Fatwa as if he is not capable it will lead
to disastrous results. A person should ask question from them with due respect.
They should be informed fully about the matter or incidence and nothing should
be hiding from them. They should be asked for supplications. Their words should
be listened carefully and should be noted down.
Chapter 3
Sources of Human knowledge,
Revelation and Prophet Hood
First Section: Few natural
questions are naturally arising in people’ minds regarding their creator,
creation and the world. Knowledge means to have the idea of reality of
something. The reality of two things is noted one is material things and other
is the knowledge of the unseen.
Second Section: Sources of human
are three sources of human knowledge.
1. The five senses.
2. Wisdom.
3. Revelation.
five senses have limited abilities to help us and where these ended Allah has
given us wisdom based on knowledge to solve our problems. Wisdom is also
limited and can be ended at certain point and where it ended then there is
another source provided by Allah which is Revelation.
Third Section: Need of revelation.
has created human beings and provided with all the resources to fulfill their
needs. He gives them knowledge through revelation where their senses and wisdom
left them alone. Revelation is the source to know about command of the creator
to live life according to His Will. Allah gives two types of knowledge to human
1. Cosmology.
2. The knowledge of the unseen.
Fourth Section: Prophet Hood and
bearer of revelation.
has sent down his messengers and Prophets from time to time for the guidance of
people. There is a difference between Nabi and Rasool. Nabi is the propagator
of the message to the people and he will be Rasool when he will propagate
Allah’s message to non Muslims as well. The status of prophet hood is given to
the specific people chosen by Allah. The characteristics of these are:
They are
Revelation sent
to them.
Tells about
last prophet of Allah is Muhammad (PBUH) and he is the seal of the prophets.
Fifth Section: 2 parts of last
revealed education (Book of Allah and Sunnah of Muhammad (PBUH)).
Holy Prophet (PBUH), Allah Almighty has sent his final message and words of
guidance for all the nations to come till the end of times. This was send
through the book of Allah which is Quran and Sunnah or Prophet (PBUH). These
both are powerful sources of getting success in this world and Akhira.
Sixth Section: Expressions of
Prophet (PBUH)’s Accomplishments.
are the source of emergence of people with good morals and ethics. Prophet (PBUH)
did the tasks of building the character of people. He changed people from the
level of animals to the level of humanity. The companions of Prophet (PBUH) are
the best example of his efforts on Terbiyah of human beings. They are the best
of the Ummah.
Chapter 4
Creation of Human Beings and their Dignity
and Nobility
First Section: Beginning of
creation of universe and its purpose.
is the sole creator of the whole universe. We can know how the creation of
universe started through source of revelation which tells details of creation
of universe. Allah created all this with the sound purpose.
Second Section: Origin of Human beings and
Theory of Evolution.
is the miracle of the Quran that it sheds light on each and every topic
relating to human beings. It tells about the creation of human beings and those
evidences are the basis to strictly condemn theory of evolution. The first
creation of Allah was Adam A.S and it’s mentioned in Quran step by step while
theory of Darwin is rejecting able.
Third Section: Dignity of human beings and
their purpose of life.
created human beings as the best creatures and gives them abilities and made
them accountable. Human beings are given supreme importance on all other
creations. Allah gave them a purpose of
life which is to please Allah and to worship Allah Almighty. The second
objective is to live in the earth as a vicegerent of Allah. The destiny of
human beings is not associated with wealth and other materialistic gains. The
real life of human beings is the life after death and which is eternal.
Chapter 5
Islam is a complete code of life.
First Section: Islam is a complete
code of life.
means to submit the will willingly to Allah Almighty and to be His obedient. Islam
is the name of human life. Islam is the system which tells about failure and
success and it has a complete system to evaluate it. All successes are in the
hands of Allah almighty whether it is inner success or outer success. Islam is
applicable to all walks of life. Islam is a complete religion. Islam is the
compound of 5 things which are beliefs, worships, transactions and morality.
Second Section: Beliefs.
contains belief in Allah, angels, revealed books, prophets, the Day of Judgment,
and the Taqdeer (Fate).
Third Section: Worships.
purpose of creation of man and Jin is the worship of Allah Almighty. It
includes prayer, obligatory alms, fasting, pilgrimage and Dhiker, recitation
and supplications.
part of consists of mutual relationships of human beings. It can be subdivided into:
1. Morality.
2. Sociality.
3. Dealings.
4. Justice and politics.
Fourth Section: Morality.
values have significant impact on life of human beings.
of morality and its need: Allah says in Quran to adopt good moral values and
refrain from bad moral values. Some important moral instructions are:
1. Kind heartedness and cruelty.
2. Generosity and stinginess.
3. Truth and falsehood.
4. Keeping promise and breaking promises.
5. Honesty and dishonesty.
6. Justice and tyranny.
7. Humbleness and arrogance.
8. Patience and gratitude.
9. Contentedness and greediness.
10. Soft spoken and harshness.
11. Soberness and angriness.
12. Love and hatred.
13. Benevolence (Ehsan).
14. Sacrifice.
15. Not taking revenge and forgiveness.
16. Modesty and boldness.
17. Devotion and showoff.
Fifth Section: Society.
also gives injunctions about the etiquettes and manners of living in the
have two types and one consists of mutual rights and other consists of rights
of living patterns.
rights: it includes the following.
1. Rights of parents.
2. Rights of children.
3. Rights of relatives.
4. Rights of spouses.
5. Rights of neighbors.
6. Rights of minors and elders.
7. Rights of weak and needy people.
8. Rights of widows, orphans and destitute.
9. Rights of patients, oppressed and poor.
10. Rights of Muslims on each others.
11. Injunctions on dealing with each other.
12. Injunctions to be kind with animals.
of Living patterns: This includes the following.
1. Manners of meeting.
2. Manners of sleeping and etc.
3. Manners of sitting.
4. Manners of behaving in gatherings.
5. Manners of sneezing and yawning.
6. Manners of eating.
7. Manners of dressing.
is not allowed to follow the trends of non Muslims in dressing and it is
despicable in Islam to be like them. When any nation imitates other nations it
will destroy its uniqueness and end up in merging in the foreign nation. The
imitation can be of following types.
1. To imitate non Muslims in beliefs and convictions is
2. It is Haram to follow them in religious practices.
3. It’s Makrooh-e-Tehrimi to imitate them in social norms
and customs.
4. It is allowed to imitate them in science and
technology, creations and innovations.
Sixth Section: Dealings.
are two types of rights.
1. Rights of Allah.
2. Rights of Human beings.
instructions given about Rights of Human beings are also of two types:
1. One is about society.
2. Other is about dealings.
are related to Family laws and economic transactions.
Family Dealings: Family
dealings tell about the rules and regulations about marriage and divorce. It
tells about spouses and their rights and responsibilities. Some of them are:
1. To see the betrothal.
2. If one party is waiting for response don’t state
your offering to take the chance from him.
3. To ask women before marriage about her will.
4. Women’s will and status of Wali.
5. Marriage contract should be announced.
6. Witnesses for marriage are must.
7. Marriage should be according to Islamic rulings.
8. Obligation of Maher.
9. Marriage should be simple.
10. No place for Dower as exploitation.
11. The day of Walima.
12. Four wives are allowed and they should be treated
13. The rulings about divorce and its distastefulness.
Economic Dealings: The rulings about economic dealings are based on
four principles.
1. The benefits of human beings.
2. Justice.
3. Truth and honesty.
4. Helping the poor section of the society.
dealings are very sensitive issue and need utmost care and attention.
Seventh Section: Justice,
Government and Politics.
and justice system is very important and it is the duty of the state to manage
the justice system and provide justice to all sections of the society. It gives
guidelines to the Qazi and tells him
about his responsibilities.
systems should be according to Islam and the democratic system is against
Islamic injunctions. Islamic ruling system is the only way which can establish
peace in the society. Khilafah is the parallel to western governing system.
Khilafah is necessary for implementation of Islamic laws.
Chapter 6
Prophet’s methodology of Quest for
Renaissance of Deen
First Section: Allah’s system for
the practical implementation of Deen.
Shariah is necessary for practical implementation of Deen of Allah. Prophets of
Allah are not the legislator of Shariah but they are propagator of Shariah of Allah.
They struggle hard to acquire knowledge through revelation but also spread the
message to the people. The basis of the propagation of Islam by Prophets is:
1. To invite people to the message of Allah.
2. To divert attention from this world to Akhira.
3. To invite them from material things to practicality.
principles of their Da’wah were:
1. Repentance from sins.
2. To be kind with people.
3. Implementation of laws.
4. Practical of Terbiyah.
Second Section: last
messenger of Allah, Muhammad (PBUH).
Before the advent of Islam, the condition of the
world was pathetic and there were moral and ethical declinations of people. The
society before Prophet (PBUH) was of ignorance. The religions other than
Christianity and Judaism are Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Hinduism which are
parallel to Islam and are altered religion. Prophet (PBUH) changed and reformed
the society. He helped people to come out of ignorance and live a life of
respectable people.
Third Section: Religious
struggle in the era of Prophet (PBUH).
The economic condition was not good at that time and
opportunities to earn was limited. In the start Prophet (PBUH) did Da’wah
secretly and then after 3 years it was done openly as Muslims were then
increased in numbers. The forces of evil were standing against Islam. The
Muslims of that time were very consistent. They were pious and very practical. They
were given Terbiyah by Prophet (PBH) and had very practical in nature. Muslims
migrated to Medina and the message of Islam was spread in medina as well. It is
Islamic teaching that people have to struggle in the way of Allah at every
cost. Medina became the centre of Islam and the message was spread from that to
the other areas. It is commanded to serve the religion through lives, wealth
and all the belongings.
Fourth Section:
Struggle on the Beliefs by of Prophet (PBUH) and its results.
With the struggle of Prophet (PBUH), beliefs of the
people changes and they follow the right track and changes their personality
altogether. All this generate a society according to the injunctions of Quran
and Sunnah. Companions of Prophet (PBUH) are the best example of the results of
his efforts. The characteristics of companions were:
True Anagoges (Maarifat).
accountability and condemnation by consciousness.
Honesty and
Indifference to
the creation and materialism.
No value of life
and exemplary valor.
Love and
New people with
new Ummah.
10. Collection of balanced people in the human history.
was the biggest revolution in the human history. In Medina there was Islamic
state and people came from far off places to learn about Islam. Different
nations accepted Islam and create their identity as Muslims.
Fifth Section:
Responsibility of Muslim Ummah.
(PBUH) is the seal of the Prophets and there was difference between him and
other Prophets and messengers. These are:
First difference
is that he is the last messenger and no one will come after him but in past if
one Prophet dies he was replaced by other as according to Allah’s will.
In past,
Prophets were sent to certain nations or people but Prophet (PBUH) was for the
whole world till the end of time, for all nations and for all races.
Prophets (PBUH) it is the responsibility of his Ummah to propagate Islam and
spread the message of Allah to the people and to convey them the truth. To
serve the religion of Allah, it is the duty of Muslims to enjoin good and
forbid evil, to help others, to propagate Islam and to be righteous. Quran also
commands to do Jihad to safeguard Islam from enemies. To strive for the
propagation of religion required that people should be forbidden from evil and
should be commended and supported to do good and virtuous deeds. Da’wah,
providing education, and correcting others is their responsibility. Fighting in
the way of Allah is also obligatory for Muslims. Quran commands to do jihad and
Mujahedeen are given glad tidings in Quran and if they die as a shaheed their
status will be highest.
Chapter 7
The basis of Islamic and Western
way of living and its impact on humanity
First Section: Paragon
of Islam in Muslims and its impacts and results.
companions of Prophet (PBUH) get their Terbiyah directly from Him and as a
result they were the specimen of his hard work and quest of changing them.
Companions were at their best as they were following Islam completely and fully
subjugate themselves to the Will of Allah. As a result of efforts by
companions, many nations accepted Islam. They had the qualities of leaders and
rulers. Their characteristics as a leader were:
1. They had Quran and Sunnah for guidance.
2. They were remained as governors or rulers under the
direct supervision of Prophet (PBUH).
3. They were not representing specific nation or was
not serving them. They were serving Islam and were its representative.
4. They were not materialistic and their actions were
based on their convictions.
norms and customs have impact on all other nations. Life according to Islam was
based on wisdom and guidance from Allah and His Prophet (PBUH) while living
under contemporary system is based on theories and tales. Islamic way of living
has a charm and it is spreading in the world. It affects the world through
1. Islamic conviction of Tawheed.
2. Idol worshiping is not allowed.
3. Recognizing Allah and eagerness to return to Him.
4. Islamic moral system and Law making.
also got influenced by Islamic customs, norms and traditions. Islam ahs an
impact on all the fields in which European excelled.
Second Section:
Reasons of degradation of Muslim Ummah.
are the reasons of degradation of Muslim Ummah.
1. Labefaction of Faith.
2. Labefaction of conviction resulted in labefaction of
impact of this degradation was as follows.
1. Deterioration of leaders and rulers.
2. Lack of religious and moral Terbiyah of government
3. Racism.
4. Revolt.
5. Deterioration of Society and surroundings.
6. Tricks of enemies and struggle of Orientalists
against Islam.
Third Section:
western civilizations and its impact on humanity.
is based on the ideology of the nation. Western civilization means that
civilization which is originated in Europe and now we see its reflection on
each part of the world. It is necessary
to analyze it critically due to following reasons.
1. Muslim Ummah is influenced by this civilization.
2. It helps in understanding their wrong ideologies.
3. By studying and analyzing it we can assess threats
and dangers from it.
4. Ummah will come out of inferiority complexes.
historical background of western civilization is not a new civilization. It is
very old and it belongs to Roman and Greek civilizations.
civilization has following attributes.
1. Lack of spirituality.
2. Full of doubts.
3. Worship of materialism.
4. Excessive love for own country.
successor of Greek civilization is Roman civilization. They were much
deteriorated in their convictions and were idol worshipers and then
Christianity became victorious on this idol worshiping. Roman civilization has
greatly influenced by Greek civilization. They were also nationalist and there
was kingship.
are far away from religion due to following reasons:
1. Deterioration of religious leaders.
2. Struggle of religion and minorities and the tyranny of
3. Revolutionist revolt against religion.
4. Prejudice of modern thinkers and their haste.
5. Shortcomings in Da’wah by Muslims.
6. Emergence of Protestants.
this wiped religion away from society and they were totally following their
whims and wishes. They became lovers of materialism and worldly gains.
Fourth Section:
Basic ideology of contemporary western civilization.
religion of westerns is worshiping materialism rather than Christianity now.
They restrict their definition of knowledge to the things which can be
observable and which is based on something else doesn’t lie in the category of
knowledge. This is their biggest mistake. This definition gives birth to two
1. Materialism.
2. Rationalism.
ideologies give rise to various theories, as a reply to the questions that
appears in minds, after reflecting on the universe.
1. According to Bernard Russell the universe came into
being as an accident.
2. Human beings also came into being due to the
explosion as chemical reaction occurred.
3. Imperialism.
4. Capitalism.
purpose of man’s life is to get freedom. This freedom should be:
1. Freedom to choose religion and belief.
2. Freedom of literature and art.
3. Sexual freedom.
4. Gender freedom.
5. Freedom of education.
6. Idea of Human rights.
attitude and behavior at the individual, social, national and international
levels should be based on common ideologies. Other factors influencing their
ideology are:
1. Secularism.
2. Nationalism.
3. Democracy.
4. Capitalism.
Three economic system of Europe: These are as follows.
1. Feudalism.
2. Socialism.
3. Capitalism.
they are materialistic and it has an impact on their all spheres of life. If we
compare Islamic and Western systems in all spheres of life, Islam has a strong
base of Quran and Sunnah and it directs Muslims while they are directionless.
Fifth Section: Analysis
of Western prosperity and lose of world due to it.
needs resources to solve his problems and resources are of two types:
1. Asbab-e-Aliya.
2. Asbab-e-Safila.
success of a nation lies in adopting first type of resources while second type
will lead to destruction and end peace of mind. This era is the era of scientific
progress and development. But this progress and prosperity leads to the loss of
the world. Success means to achieve something and to acquire something with
struggle. The purpose of success is to make life easier and to create resources
to do tasks easily. But it has an adverse effect on life like:
Reduction in
strength and abilities.
Hardness of
Interference in
natural system.
failure due to materialistic progress can be seen through the following
1. Lack of religious senses.
2. Lack of motivation to search for Allah.
3. Crisis of longing for worldly benefits.
4. Deterioration of society and morals: Westerns based
their dealings, transactions and morals on the following:
5. Lack of courage and longing for rest.
on Individuals of western progress:
1. Comfortlessness and un-contentedness
2. Suicides.
3. Mental illness and diseases.
on family life:
1. No respect of relations.
2. No love for parents.
3. No Terbiyah of children.
4. No serving of parents.
5. Generation gaps effecting generations.
6. No family life.
of society:
1. Deterioration of moral values.
on Economic life:
1. Adulterating.
2. Hoarding.
3. Accumulation of wealth.
on Political life:
1. Racism.
2. Nationalism.
3. Through World Bank or IMF capturing other counties.
4. Interest system.
5. To create disputes in different countries.
6. Monopoly of capitalists.
Fifth Section:
Renaissance of Ummah.
Prophet (PBUH) changes the condition of people and
make them civilized, cultures and well mannered. He developed a full economic system, social
system and political system under Islam. Islam has changed the world and ruled
the world but then westerns have impact on them when Muslims became the friends
of ignorant nations. They get impressed and influenced by them and trying to
imitate them thinking that success lies in walking on their foot marks. But
there is a hope that Muslims will come back again with full zeal and will rule
the world. Islamic world is the message to the whole world and it’s an
invitation to the life. It is the responsibility of the Muslim Ummah to start
the struggle of spreading Islam and start the movement of revival of faiths. Ummah’
Da’wah mission has a great impact on the world. It is a way towards success. It
is increasing the love for Islam and it is defeating secularism. Islam is
coming again to rule the world and it is accepted by non Muslims even. Muslims
world is demanding for Shariah and the demand is increasing due to the
contemporary conditions. Pakistanis are also in favor of Shariah and they
consider it as the best system of the world. Muslims scholars and Ulemas get
great respect and place in this society. The deteriorating economic system of
the world can be corrected through Islamic economic system only. Islam can put
world out of the economic crisis as it is a practical system containing
solution for all walks of lives. Muslims are now again reverting to Islam and
the next step is to do corrections in dealings and transactions. The scholars
have great responsibility in dealings with the contemporary issues and it is
required that they should be learned and capable of solving problems through
Islamic Texts.
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